The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) is aware that some runners are engaging in “batch jumping”, a term used to describe a situation where a runner pushes forward from the start batch to which they have been allocated, to a faster seeding batch closer to the front of the race. This is considered to be a form of cheating.
Runners may not enter a seeding batch other than the one to which they are allocated. With effect from 9 June 2024, batch jumping will be specifically prohibited in terms of the Comrades Marathon Race Rules. Any person who starts from within a seeding batch other than the one to which they have been allocated may be disqualified. This includes starting the race from within a seeding batch slower (or behind) the one to which a runner has been allocated.
Should a runner wish to drop back to a slower seeding batch (e.g. move from B-batch to C-batch in order to start with friends), please contact the CMA office before 16h00 on Wednesday, 8 May 2024.
The CMA has also revised the way in which it manages the registration of athletes by proxy (collecting on behalf of another individual).
From now on, runners will be required to log into their online entry profile and complete the proxy collection page with the details of the individual who is collecting on their behalf. This process must be done prior to the proxy collector attending registration and aims to help safeguard the delivery of race packs of our athletes. No race packs will be handed over without the required online form having been completed. The proxy collection form and detailed instructions will be made available closer to the opening of registration.
In line with the CMA’s goal of going green, the registration process aims to reduce the amount of paper used, hence reducing the carbon footprint of The Ultimate Human Race.
The 97th Comrades Marathon will be the 49th Up Run on Sunday, 9 June 2024, starting at the Durban City Hall at 05h30 and ending 12 hours later at the HollywoodBets Scottsville Racecourse in Pietermaritzburg, covering a distance of 85.91km.